PTCB Certification: A Gateway to a Rewarding Pharmacy Career

Jul 2, 2024 at 3:15 AM
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Get the process path of ptcb

1.Complete one of the following two pathways: Pathway 1: PTCB-Recognized Education/Training Program (REP) ...

2.Create a PTCB Account.

3.Apply for certification and pay the application fee.



4.Get approval.

5.Take and pass the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam (PTCE).

Benefits of PTCB Certification

1. Increased job opportunities: PTCB certification is recognized by many employers in the pharmacy industry. Having this certification can make you a more competitive candidate for job openings.

2. Higher pay: Many employers offer higher pay to certified pharmacy technicians. PTCB certification can lead to higher salaries and better benefits.

3. Enhanced knowledge and skills: The certification process requires pharmacy technicians to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in various areas of pharmacy practice. This process can enhance their knowledge and skills, making them better at their job.

4. Professional recognition: PTCB certification is a nationally recognized credential that demonstrates a pharmacy technician's commitment to their profession. It can also lead to greater respect from colleagues and patients.

5. Continuing education: PTCB certification requires continuing education to maintain certification. This ensures that pharmacy technicians stay up-to-date with the latest developments in pharmacy practice.


PTCB's CPhT Certification Program

We have a career that offers high pay and growth potential, so you should seriously consider becoming a licensed pharmacist. This healthcare career offers stable work, high pay, and excellent social benefits.

Eligibility Requirements for PTCB CPhT Certification

Certain eligibility requirements must be met in order to apply for this certification.  PTCB CPhT certification requires the candidate complete either an education/training program recognized by the PTCB or have sufficient experience working as a pharmacy technician.At a minimum, the candidate must have 500 hours working as a pharmacy technician in order to be eligible for applying for PTCB CPhT certification. However, this alternate route is primarily for those who have work experience as a pharmacy technician and were not able to partake in the PTCB-Recognized Education/Training.

Aside from completing an education or training program recognized by the PTCB or demonstrate the equivalent of experience in the field, the applicant is also required to have a passing grade on the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam, known as the PTCE, and be fully compliant with all of the PTCB Certification policies. Furthermore, the applicant must also provide complete disclosure of criminal actions as well as actions pertaining to State Board of Pharmacy registration or license.

At this point, readers are likely wondering about what, exactly, constitutes a PTCB-recognized education or training program. Those applying for CPhT and are within 60 days or less of finishing an education or training program recognized by the PTCB will prove eligible to sit for the PTCE. However, certification for PTCB CPhT is not granted until the individual provides sufficient proof of training or education to the PTCB. Only specific documents are accepted for proof.

As an example, a letter from the training or education provider that details the candidate’s name, the title of the training or education program and the completion date must be provided on that organization’s letterhead.Another form of acceptable documentation is a copy of the certificate of the completion showing the individual’s name, completion date and training/education program title.

PTCB CPhT Exam Fee

It costs $129 to take the exam and apply for certification.Pay the required amount and PTCB will email you, stating you are now authorized to schedule your exam.

The certificate is as follows



Changes after obtaining PTCB certification

1.Proven achievements and knowledge

2.Improved employment opportunities

3.Salaries 70% higher than other industries in society

4.Bright career development

5.Prestige among colleagues