During this holiday season, Bikers for Kids in Need is dedicated to serving over 400 children in the community. However, they require more 'Secret Santas' to achieve their goal and make a significant impact.
Helping the Angel Tree Program
Pam Howard, the president and founder of Bikers for Kids in Need, emphasizes the importance of giving during Christmas. "Times may be tough for everyone," she says, "but Christmas is about sharing and making a difference." It's a joyous experience to take a tag and know that you're doing something special for a child in need.For seven years, they have been running the Christmas angel trees, and the need keeps growing each year. Unfortunately, most of the kids on the trees are asking for essential items like winter gear, warm clothes, and hygiene products instead of the typical Christmas gifts. They are one of the few programs that serve children of all ages, from 0 to 18 years old. Along with gifts, they will also be delivering full unprepared Christmas meals to ensure these families have a festive holiday.There are still 47 families' tags that need to be filled by community members. The participating Motorcycle Clubs include Barrons, CMA (Christian Motorcycle Association), Galloping Goose, Hermanos (Great Falls & Electric City Chapters), Horde, NumbSkullz, Servants for Christ (Set Free), Tenacious Dames, USVMC, Warrior Creed, and The Wraith.Howard explains, "The items needed are listed on the back, along with their sizes. You can choose where to shop, get the items, and wrap them. It doesn't matter if it fits in one box or more; just make sure to tag it with the child's name from Santa Claus."The angel trees are located at Scheels and Go! Calendars Toys & Games inside the Holiday Village Mall on 10th Avenue South. Howard adds, "These youth will remember that someone they don't even know cared enough to spend time on them. You have the power to impact a child in your community without them even realizing it."All tags must be returned with the gift items by December 14th to either location. By coming together, we can make this holiday season truly special for these children in need.