Experts across Indianapolis are sounding the alarm about the grave risks associated with leaving children unattended in vehicles. In a recent incident, two infants were kidnapped from a stolen car, highlighting the severity of this issue.
Protecting Our Little Ones - Don't Leave Them in Cars
Understanding the Dangers
Arvey Levinsohn, the owner of A&H Childproofers, emphasizes the extreme peril of leaving a child alone in a car under any circumstance. "If an adult is not there to be with them, it becomes a very serious danger," he states. Sgt. William Young from IMPD also warns against the practice, especially during winter months when people might warm up their cars. "It is not a good idea. Letting your car warm up with a child inside can lead to unexpected situations," he remarks.During the incident, two infant girls were kidnapped in a stolen vehicle around 11:30 a.m. on the southeast side. Fortunately, they were dumped in a ditch and rescued shortly after noon by a passerby. Levinsohn further explains that infants, toddlers, and kids cannot retain heat as well as adults and teens. "They lose heat very quickly, and hypothermia can set in," he says.If a vehicle is left unlocked with a child inside, there is a high risk of the child being stolen. Levinsohn adds, "If a child is old enough to unlatch themselves, like a two or three-year-old, they can crawl up to the front seat and shift the car into drive, causing it to take off."Indiana State Police Sgt. John Perrine notes that while there is no specific law about leaving children in a running car, it is still an illegal act of neglect. "When someone is neglectful and leaves a child in a car, it falls under the neglect of a dependent statute or other relevant laws," he explains.Levinsohn also reminds caregivers to never leave a child in a hot car, as the temperature inside can rise to over 100 degrees in just minutes. This is a crucial point to keep in mind, especially during the summer months.In a previous incident on Nov. 20 near 79th Street and Ditch Road, an infant boy was kidnapped from a stolen vehicle but was quickly located and reunited with his parents. This serves as a reminder of the importance of being vigilant and taking every precaution to ensure the safety of our children.We must all be aware of these dangers and take proactive measures to prevent such tragedies from occurring. By being more cautious and responsible, we can help keep our children safe.