The initiative began with videos and discussions led by Principal Dan Hartman and Brittany Shank. These videos not only introduced the program but also showcased CCE Student Senate members demonstrating leadership skills. This visual aspect helped students understand the practical application of leadership in their daily lives.
Administrators and teachers underwent training to implement the Utah-based program, which will be a four-year journey. The goal is to create a high-trust environment in schools and enhance student achievement through various practices based on Stephen Covey's "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People."
CCE officials have set clear focus areas such as academics, particularly in math and reading. They aim to use a common language for improvement and focus on what truly matters. The mission is to inspire the leader in every student, and students are learning the seven habits throughout the day and year.
Morning announcements by Brittany Shank instilled these facets, and students watched videos explaining how to utilize the habits. Fourth-grade Student Senate members served as models, demonstrating leadership both inside the school and on the bus.
The Student Senate's video touched upon expectations in different school settings, from the classroom to the cafeteria. Teachers, principals, and staff are showing leadership qualities, and Cross Creek Elementary celebrates leadership in various ways.
Leaders of the month from each classroom are recognized with a photo hanging in the building and a token to obtain a book from the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports book vending machine. This recognition encourages students to live out the seven habits and be part of the Leader in Me community.
Students have shared their learnings. Fourth-grader Krysta Dille said, "You should always be helpful." Classmate Sadie Martin added, "I'm learning you should be proactive, helpful, and concentrate on your work." Fourth-grade student Jordan Telfer responded, "Be kind." These perspectives highlight the impact the program is having on students.