“It’s taking care of kids who don’t have people right there for them. Well, we’re here for you,” said Beth Mann, board president of FLOC. For over 30 years, this organization has worked tirelessly to bring smiles and the joy of Christmas to children and families across the area. Beth and her husband Doug shared their perspective, stating that when they first started, it was about 30 families and 30 kids. Now, this year, they are serving an astonishing 3,800 kids. It truly means a lot to see the children happy.
The “Christmas for Kids” program is just one of FLOC’s many initiatives. It focuses on providing children served by Montgomery County Children Services, homeless shelters, and those in foster care with the Christmas they have always dreamed of. Items like toys, hats, and coats are given to make their holidays special.
Debbie Lieberman, a county commissioner, emphasized the importance of the program. “The children whose families are really trying to keep them together, and this helps the parents and our case workers. I love that the case workers are able to take the gifts to their homes.” Carolyn Rice, another county commissioner, added that they even ask specifically what the child wants, so it’s not a random gift. When a child opens that gift, they know that Santa heard them.
Commissioners also stressed that the city’s children and future leaders are a top priority. Beth expressed her gratitude to children services for allowing them to continue this great partnership. “I love working with the people here because they are very compassionate and they love their kids. You guys love our children.”
FLOC acknowledges that they could not have achieved this without the community’s help. They have already started planning for next year to continue spreading joy.