How to relieve migraines quickly and effectively?

Nov 6, 2024 at 11:06 AM

Migraine Headaches

A migraine is much more than a bad headache. It can cause debilitating, throbbing, one-sided head pain that can leave you in bed for days. Movement, lights, sounds and other triggers may cause symptoms like fatigue, nausea, vision changes, irritability and more.



What is a migraine?

A migraine is a severe headache that causes throbbing, pulsing head pain on one side of your head. The headache phase of a migraine usually lasts at least four hours, but it can also last for days. This headache gets worse with:

  • Physical activity
  • Bright lights
  • Loud noises
  • Strong odors


What are the types of migraines?

There are several types of migraines. The most common migraine categories are:

  • Migraine with aura (classic migraine).
  • Migraine without aura (common migraine).

An aura is a phase of the migraine before head pain begins.

Other types of migraines include:

  • Migraines in children (abdominal migraine).
  • Chronic migraine.
  • Hemiplegic migraine.
  • Menstrual migraine.
  • Migraine without headache (silent migraine).
  • Retinal migraine (ocular migraine).
  • Status migrainosus.