Washington Poison Center's 19th Annual Poster Contest for Kids

Dec 16, 2024 at 11:48 AM
Washington State is abuzz with an exciting initiative that challenges children's creativity while emphasizing the importance of poison prevention. The Washington Poison Center has rolled out its 19th annual contest, inviting students from kindergarten through 12th grade to showcase their artistic skills.

"Protecting Our Future with Colorful Creativity"

Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

In this age group, students are encouraged to pick a poison, such as a common household chemical or a local toxic plant. They delve deep into learning about how this poison affects people and discover practical ways to stay safe. With their little hands gripping markers and colored pencils, they let their imaginations run wild as they design eye-catching posters. These young artists are not only having fun but also laying the foundation for a safe future. Their posters will be a visual reminder of the importance of poison prevention in their communities.

Imagine a kindergarten classroom filled with eager faces, each child focused on creating a unique poster. They might draw a big, colorful picture of a toxic plant with a caution sign beside it, or show a family safely storing chemicals. These posters will not only be a source of pride for the students but also a valuable educational tool for their peers and families.

3rd – 5th Grade

For students in this age range, the challenge becomes more in-depth. They select a more complex poison, like a local venomous animal, and explore its effects in detail. Through their posters, they share fascinating facts about the poison and provide practical safety tips. Their creativity shines as they use a variety of colors and designs to make their posters stand out.

Picture a group of 3rd to 5th graders gathered around a table, discussing different poisons and how to represent them on their posters. They might create a poster with a 3D model of a venomous snake, accompanied by information about its venom and how to avoid getting bitten. These posters will not only educate but also inspire others to take poison prevention seriously.

6th – 8th Grade

In this stage, students are presented with a higher level of responsibility. They choose a poison and conduct in-depth research to understand its impact. Their posters become a platform for them to share their newfound knowledge and advocate for poison prevention. With the use of advanced art techniques and a more mature design sense, they create posters that are both informative and visually appealing.

Imagine a group of 6th to 8th graders working together on their posters, using references and online resources to ensure their information is accurate. They might create a poster with a detailed map showing the locations of poisonous plants in their area, along with tips on how to identify and avoid them. These posters will serve as a valuable resource for their communities and help raise awareness about poison prevention.

9th – 12th Grade

High school students take on the challenge with a sense of maturity and responsibility. They select a poison and explore its effects from a scientific perspective. Their posters are a testament to their research skills and artistic abilities, as they combine detailed information with creative designs.

Picture a high school classroom where students are engaged in passionate discussions about different poisons and how to present them on their posters. They might create a poster with a scientific diagram of a chemical reaction involving a poisonous substance, accompanied by explanations and safety precautions. These posters will not only impress but also make a significant impact on their communities.

The Contest begins on December 16, 2024, and participants have until February 2, 2025, to submit their posters. The Washington Poison Center staff will judge the posters throughout February 2025, and the winners will be announced during National Poison Prevention Week from March 16 to 22, 2025. Winners in each age group will receive exciting prizes, including gift cards to local businesses for the younger students and iPads for the older ones. All of our winners will be recognized in a Washington Poison Center press release, newsletter, and on our social media platforms.

For full rules and resources, please visit https://www.wapc.org/programs/education/annual-poster-contest-rules/. Let's join hands and support this important initiative that is making a difference in our communities.