What It’s Like to Have Long COVID As a Kid

Nov 4, 2024 at 3:29 PM
At just 14 years old, the author's life was upended by the unexpected onset of Long COVID, a debilitating condition that left them grappling with constant exhaustion, brain fog, and a profound sense of isolation. Yet, through this arduous experience, they discovered an inner strength and resilience that would reshape their perspective, outlook, and relationships in profound ways.

Redefining Success and Embracing the Unexpected

Letting Go of PerfectionThe author's journey began with a jarring realization in an algebra class, where they found themselves unable to grasp even the simplest of math problems. This marked the start of a long and challenging road, as the author navigated the unpredictable nature of their condition. Accustomed to being a high-achieving student and athlete, the author had to confront the reality that their previous approach of pushing through challenges with sheer determination was no longer viable. Embracing the need to slow down and prioritize their health, the author made the difficult decision to drop half of their classes, a move that initially felt like a personal failure but ultimately proved essential for their recovery.Redefining VictoriesAs the author's journey unfolded, they were forced to reframe their understanding of success. Gone were the days of straight A's and competitive swimming; instead, the author celebrated small victories, such as getting out of bed and attending a few classes. These seemingly modest accomplishments became the new milestones, a testament to the resilience and adaptability required to navigate the unpredictable terrain of chronic illness.Respecting the Body's LimitsThe author's initial instinct to attack their illness with the same determination that had served them well in the past quickly proved counterproductive. They learned that chronic illness does not respond to sheer willpower, and that the strongest thing they could do was to listen to their body and respect its limits. This realization was a pivotal moment, as the author recognized the need to approach their recovery with a more nuanced and compassionate approach.

Navigating the Isolation of Invisible Illness

The author's experience with Long COVID highlighted the profound isolation that can accompany invisible illnesses. As there were no outward signs of their condition, some assumed the author had simply given up or lost interest in their relationships and responsibilities. This lack of understanding from friends, teachers, and even some loved ones only compounded the challenges the author faced, underscoring the importance of empathy and support for those living with chronic, unseen ailments.

The Rollercoaster of Healing

The author's recovery process was anything but linear, with good days and bad days, periods of progress and sudden setbacks. This unpredictable nature of chronic illness was a source of constant anxiety, as the author feared the possibility of a relapse with every step forward. Gradually, the author learned to embrace the ebb and flow of their healing journey, recognizing that small, gradual progress was enough, and that they did not need to return to "normal" all at once.

Discovering Inner Strength and Empathy

Through the crucible of their illness, the author emerged with a newfound sense of self and a deeper understanding of the world around them. They discovered a more grounded, purposeful approach to goal-setting, one that was rooted in their own values rather than societal expectations. Additionally, the author developed a profound empathy for others struggling with chronic conditions, recognizing the importance of offering support, patience, and understanding without judgment.The author's journey serves as a powerful testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative potential of adversity. By sharing their story, they offer a beacon of hope and inspiration to anyone facing the challenges of chronic illness, while also providing valuable insights for those seeking to support loved ones on similar paths.