My UnderSlumberBumbleBeast, a remarkable creation by horror author Zoje Stage, has an intriguing story behind its publication. This first children's book from the renowned author took nearly seven years to make it to the shelves. The potential of the book was evident; several industry professionals recognized its charm. However, the local writer's manuscript, which was part of her successful body of work including psychological thrillers like Baby Teeth and Dear Hanna, and psychological horror novels like Wonderland and Mothered, faced challenges in fitting into the rigid categories of children's commercial fiction.
From Short Fiction to a Standalone Book
My UnderSlumberBumbleBeast initially started as a short fiction piece that Stage wrote years ago. It was later incorporated into the adult novel Baby Teeth as little Hanna's favorite book. But it was never shopped to major publishers. The demand from readers who read Baby Teeth and asked about the real book led Stage to pursue its publication.When Stage submitted the book to Doug Murano of Bad Hand Books, she reverted it to a more concise version while preserving essential quotes from its inclusion in Baby Teeth. She faced challenges during revisions, trying to keep the wording for the quotes while polishing the story. She drew from her own childhood experiences with stuffed animals and nighttime noises to create the character of Pru.The Heart of the Story
At the story's core is Pru, a nine-year-old girl with a love for inventing, collecting, and learning new words. She is fascinated by the strange sounds from beneath her bed and suspects a special creature. When asked to clean her room, a series of events unfold that change her life forever.Stage gave Pru a nurturing spirit of imagination and acceptance, allowing her to cherish her differences with those around her. The tale explores the nature of friendship and seeing the potential in others.Illustrations that Enrich the Story
Adding to the story is the beautiful artwork by J.E. Larson. His illustrations beautify the pages and enhance the storytelling experience. Stage aimed for a timeless feel reminiscent of classics like Alice in Wonderland and Coraline. She collaborated closely with Larson and took note of conversations with children's librarians about the demand for visually rich literature for grade school readers.One of her favorite illustrations is of Springy, with a spring for a body and an eraser with a Viking ship drawn on it for her head. Stage even considered getting this image as a tattoo.Shifting from Adult to Children's Writing
Transitioning from writing adult thrillers to a children's book presented its own set of hurdles for Stage. She had to shift the intensity of the themes while maintaining her unique voice. Simplifying her vocabulary was a challenge, but she decided to make Pru a girl who loves big and unusual words and included them throughout the book.The back of the book features a playful glossary, penned as if by Pru herself, with definitions and pronunciations in a child-like manner.Continuing the Creative Universe
My UnderSlumberBumbleBeast follows the 2024 summer release of Baby Teeth's sequel, Dear Hanna, continuing an intertwining of creative and insightful protagonists. Each character exhibits a sensitivity that serves as both a strength and a vulnerability in their respective narratives."2024 has been a strange and wonderful year in multiple ways, personal and professional," says Stage. "The publishing industry is never smooth, but I'm grateful for every year I can keep doing this. Publishing two books from the same 'universe' is truly something special – I never thought I'd create a 'universe'!"